
いよいよ今秋 チャック・ミラーが福岡にやってきます!

2014年912 - 15


昨年東京で開催されたワークショップと2泊3日のリトリートに参加して、 ”ヨガとは・・・ ヨガを続ける意味、アサナをする意味をあらためて気づかされた気がします。そしてヨガに出逢ってよかった、これからも続けていくためのいろんなエッセンスを彼から得る事ができました。

昨年お逢いしてから是非 福岡での開催をと切に希望しやっと今年開催する事ができました。きっと多くの人がヨガに対してまた深い深い学びの時間となると思います。ぜひ一緒にChuckとのヨガの時間を共有しましょう。  そしてなによりもすばらしいのが日本語の通訳の方です。来福時には、毎回Chuckの来日の際に通訳をされている方を御呼びします。彼の言葉をそのままに日本語でわかりやすくまるでChuckが話しているかのようなすばらしい通訳で彼の言葉ひとつひとつを吸収してください。すべてのクラスに日本語の通訳がつきます。 

i-yoga 代表 糸山貴美子
① 9/12(金)19:00 – 20:30, “サトサンガ・真実の中で共に座る4,000円)

② 9/13(土)10:00-12:30, “ワークショップ1・肩を開くためのスリアナマスカーラ” (6,800 yen) 

③ 9/13(土)13:30-16:00 ワークショップ2・ヒップ・オープニングのための立位のポーズ“ (6,800 yen) 
9/14(日)10:00-12:30, ワークショップ3・ 呼吸、根、コア“(6,800 yen) 

9/14(日))13:30-16:00 , “ワークショップ4・根を鍛え前屈を深める座位のポーズ“  (6,800 yen) 

9/15 10:00-12:30,ワークショップ5・プライマリーシリーズを探求しよう(6,800 yen) 
‘ATHA…YOGANUSASANAM!’ 「さあ、今この瞬間からヨガの練習をはじめよう!」
週末ワークショップで学んだことを、アシュタンガヨガの練習の柱であるプライマリー・シリーズで実践しましょう。プライマリーシリーズの練習には多くの効果や恩恵があります。プライマリーとは単に初級という意味ではありません。このシリーズには、前屈、後屈、ひねり、立位、座位、アームバランスと逆転など全ての動きの要素が含まれています。上級者と同じレベルの注意力、気づき、集中力を持って、プライマリーシリーズを練習しましょう! プライマリーシリーズをアドバンスレベルで練習できるようになると、さらに上級の練習につなげていくことができます。今、ここから旅が始まります!初心者から上級者までどなたでも歓迎です!

9/15 (月*祝 ) 13:30-16:00, “ワークショップ6・後屈とひねり” (6,800 yen) 

パッケージ料金全クラス参加の方 7 Classes 40,000パッケージ料金がお得です。

*お申込み/お問い合わせ  www.i-yoga.jp  
 For Details: www.chapatiproductions.com FB Event:  https://www.facebook.com/events/xxxxxxxxxxx

*場所 12日のみ アシュタンガヨガ福岡スタジオ横 

*お申し込み 下記のフォームよりお申し込みください。
 注意:お申し込みについて 申込漏れなどを防ぐため個人的なFacebookや個人的なSMSのメッセージでのやり取りはご遠慮願います。

Presented by Chapati Productions and I-Yoga

PROFILE/ Chuck Miller (チャック・ミラー)
ロサンゼルスの伝説的なヨガスタジオ“Yoga Works”の創始者であり、現在は世界中でヨガの指導を行っている。1972年よりヨガの練習を始め、シュリ・K・パタビジョイス、BKSアイアンガーに師事。30年以上の指導暦を持ち、現在世界で活躍中の多くのヨガ指導者を育てた事でも知られる。ヨガ哲学とアサナの統合、芸術的なアジャスト。深いヨガの理解に基づいた指導と、そのあたたかい人間性により世界中のヨギーに愛されている。


Chuck Miller: Fukuoka Workshops 9/13-15, 2014
Please join us for world renowned Ashtanga yoga teacher Chuck Miller’s first visit to Fukuoka!

① 9/12(Fri)  19:00-20:30 “Satsang: Sitting together in the truth.” (4,000yen) The meaning of the word is strong! We can aspire towards it! As we come together, with a common focus, to improve ourselves through self-study in yoga, we can help each other.
Yoga is very dangerous! It encourages people to be Free! To think for themselves! It encourages us to take apart the walls and boundaries that we have built out of fear and insecurity; creating structures of Authority and oppression. We can help each other, when we realize we are all in this Together!

 9/13(Sat) 10:00-12:30 “Workshop 1, SuryaNamaskara for Shoulder Openings” (6,800 yen)SuryaNamaskara can be practiced with a focus on different things. In this workshop we will focus on the shoulders. We will look at how they can be harmed in SuryaNamaskara if not done with the proper awareness, AND, how those risks can be turned into benefits with the right knowledge, skill and proper effort. 

③ 9/13 (Sat)13:30-16:00, “Workshop 2, Standing Poses for Hip Openings” 6,800 yenStanding poses are some of the very best Hip Openers! They are safer than many of the other postures because the body has room to move out of the way, to reduce stress and strain. The Standing poses Strengthen the legs, improve flexibility in the hip joints and pelvis, promote elongation of the spine and can improve balance through challenging that balance!

  9/14 (Sun) 10:00-12:30, “Workshop 3, Breath Roots Core”   (6,800 yen)It is helpful when we are embarking on a long journey, or preparing for an elaborate task, to do some planning,and to examine where we are, and where we want to go. There is something like this also in our practice of yoga. It is common for most of us, in the beginning stages, to be a bit confused. We are caught in our current models of ‘how’ to work and what is ‘important!’ Confusion is a form of laziness! We need to use our minds to get free of this confusion!
This is the purpose of focusing on Breath Roots Core. To establish priorities in what we are focused on during our practice. To reduce the times when we drift into other less noble goal striving, ego based, accomplishment focused pursuits in our practice.
9/14(Sun)13:30-16:00 ,“Workshop 4, Sitting Poses for Rooting and Forward Bending” (6,800 yen)
In every pose we have a root. Often it is unconscious. In the seated postures the root is usually the sitting bones. The sit bones are a place of darkness for most people
We will explore, look at, feel, get to know better, our sit bones! And we will discuss how they need to be part of our essential awareness in these postures! Uncovering the layers of unconsciousness that block our view of the truth! Shining light into the dark! This is what leads us to health and happiness!
9/15 (Mon ) 10:00-12:30, “Workshop 5: Exploring the Primary Series” (6,800 yen)
 ‘ATHA…YOGANUSASANAM!’ “NOW!”  Yoga is in the here and now.  So this is where we start. Where else?!Building on what we learned in the weekend workshops, we will apply our new understanding to the pillar of the Ashtanga practice, the Primary Series.  The Primary Series has so much to offer us – don’t be fooled into thinking primary means easy…the Primary series contains the full range of actions – forward bends, back bends, twists, standing poses, sitting poses, arm balances and inversions – and we can practice them with the attention, awareness and intensity of an advanced practitioner.   When we make the basic, primary practice more advanced we make the advanced practices more accessible!
Let’s begin the journey, Here and Now!  

9/15 (Mon) 13:30-16:00,  “Workshop 6, Backbends and Twists” (6,800 yen)
There are just a few different groups of postures that we practice, with infinite variations!
We do Standing poses, Inversions, Forward bends, Backbends and Twists. Which do you think are the most common for us in our life? Most of what we do is in front of us, and we tend to lean forward into our efforts. So it would seem forward bends are the most common of the positions we find ourselves in.What is interesting though is that in all of these various postures we are usually not straight! We tend to… twist! Take a look!Twisting can be very good preparation for backbends and forward bends, and also be very good to unwind from these poses as well.This class will use some basic twists to help use prepare for and recover from a practice of backbending.----

All Classes: Beginners to Advanced practitioners welcome!Package Price: All 7 Classes (6 workshops and 1 satsang): 40,000yen


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